Archive for March, 2011

Day de Dada at Second Saturday SI March 2011

March 12, 2011

Today,  Saturday March 12th, 2011 Day de Dada artists meet for “Dada a Gogo” a mobile,  virtual venue for Second Saturday Staten Island.   We are visiting Art at Bay, Atelier Mertz, Open Art Surgery, The Assembly Room, Deep Tanks, Small, Love and 33 Cent.  The question we are asking: “What do you see?”



 Lumen Art Off at Art at Bay 5-6pm  “What do you see?”

  ooo yeah, naked women and empty space, wires, white walls, black and white collage and in the back room some industrial paintings that I like.  I see a friendly atmosphere.

Art, I like what I’m looking at now. I like the use of pencil or charcoal. I like the depiction of the human form. This all new to me.

I see amazing paintings.  Industrial scenes, buildings, dust coated, water tanks, images of towers, water towers smoke stacks, furnaces that used to burn steel in Bethlehem Steel.  All oil, very colorful, bright colors, shading , some fine lines, detail in some, very reminiscent of Charles Demuth and Charles Scheeler of the Percisionist Movement.

I see a seaside art venue, packed with Chili Chompers.

There is a great fixin’s bar for the chili, extremely impressive.  3 D people and 2 D People.



Assembly Room 6:30 to 7:30 pm “What do you see?”

Music, set up, equipment, stuffed animals laying dead on the floor, spattered art framed in gold with red strigs/liflines connecting them.  I see silver glitter belts, layers of houndstooth, tall girls in layers of patterned fabric, tops hats and ritualistic sacrifices. 

I see chaos yet coherence.  I see the reimbodiment of imagination, um, I see the truth.  All I see is crazy shit.  I see dreams of bababies dancing and masks bursting into dust.  That’s where I saw the aliens.

I see a lot of new art and young people.  I like the  photos of the girl with the tape on the mouth.  The Barbie legs are very unusual it makes me want to do something like it.  There are certain social aspects in the pieces. 

“What do you see?”

Oh Viv, amazing, it’s like Andy Kaufman.  Off the record, both the best and worst childhood at the same time.

Deep Tanks 8 to 9 pm “What do you see?”

I see um, white radiator grids and dead fish.

I see um, primary colors .

I see beautiful butterflies emerging out of their coccoons, I  see lots of Rorsach Ink blots, and lots of happy people.

I see artists working, forests, men, sorry somebodies, my Mom, responding to stress.

Over  there, someone.  I don’t know them.  Should I know them? Hmmmmm

Day de Dada at the 2011 Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival

March 11, 2011

 Marginal Arts Festival Roanoke Virginia

2010 Marginal Arts Festival in Roanoke Virginia.    And Day de Dada was there.  Along with the Art Nurses, Big Liar (was he there? are you sure ?) and the Art Grant Fairy.  The 3 Art Nurses cured a few art works at the Taubman Museum, soothed a few artistic bruised egos and were crowned Queens of the Festival along with King Ralph.  Dada Dollars were freely dispensed to the worthy and the unworthy.

Stuffed animals were unstuffed and restuffed into new and twisted forms, bubble wrap exploded and pianos were “re-tuned.”  Art was paraded and reconstructed with puppets, drums and accordions.

  And an Art Rat finally, bravely ran to the ground but (I’m sure) will rise again next year.  We wondered – Can ladders reach that high?  or just chairs at the Labyrinth…. and can that many events happen at the same time ?  Yes, they can.

First – there is Fluxus Piano Push

Then –  there is Fluxus Piano Music

On Saturday, the crew at the “Flux Mazz” gave out bread freely and applied it vigorously with the loaf and one piece at a time.   Zierle and Carter collected what we treasure and set it free.  A little rain did not dampen spirits – the Marginal Arts Festival will ride again!